Take My Hand And Never Let Go Chapter Six: F is for Fate…

Summary: If you could write your love story, what would it say? Would it include the good with the bad? The sadness with the joy? The laughter with the pain? You x OC. A series of drabbles.

Word Prompt: Fate…



 Take My Hand And Never Let Go


K.N. Proctor


Chapter Six:

F is for Fate…



You watched the couples dance—rather distastefully, in your opinion—from your vantage point. You carefully leaned against the railing; it wasn’t exactly a safe place and if the teachers caught you… Well, let’s just say some college might not appreciate expulsion on your record, not that you actually care or anything. You didn’t let it bother you too much; they all seemed too preoccupied to pay any mind to you anyway.

So, you continued to watch them with some morbid curiosity. Some deeply buried part of you desperately longed to join them, but you were never one to enjoy dances. While you liked to claim it was because you weren’t a “people” person, but honestly, it was because you seemed to have two left feet. You found this out when William forced you to dance; it was also then, you were for sure he was the devil himself. It didn’t end pretty: you ended up with a broken ankle and he a broken nose, although, his nose issue was not caused by your dancing but as a result of his laughter and your fist. That, however, is another story.

For everyone’s safety—and possible sanity—the best place for you to be was right here. The view was nice and you were all to yourself, which was perfectly fine with you.

“Are we avoiding someone?” he cooed in your ear, nearly scaring you enough to fall off your precarious perch. “My apologies, I forgot that you are so jumpy…” It was statements like that, that caused his last broken nose.

‘So much for being alone… Figures.’ You smacked his arm—less dangerous than normal and no broken bones this way. “Yeah, like I really believe that bull!” You smacked him again, this time for pure fun. “Was that really necessary?”

“No,” He grinned; as he tried to discreetly rub his arm. “But it was fun…Why are you up here, [Name]?”

“Seriously? You know I can’t dance! Stop being so cruel!”

“Of course, dear… Didn’t you break your ankle?” He managed to avoid your next smack, but you took satisfaction from his obvious fear.  “Honestly, [Name], must we be so violent?”

“Yes,” You barely held back your smirk. His expressions never ceased to amuse you; he could be so expression when he let his guard down, which only seemed to happen around you. You weren’t sure if that was a  good thing…

“Oh?” He finally sat beside you, closer than he normally would. You mentally tucked that away for later, but it could mean nothing…it could also mean everything.

“Yes!” You finally snapped as he drew even closer. Just what was he up, too?! You narrowed your eyes and tried to ignore him for the time being.


‘Ignore, ignore, ignore…’ For his physical state and your mental one, it would be for the best. ‘Why did I come to this stupid dance anyway?’

“Can I ask you something?”

 ‘Ignore, ignore… Wait, what?’ “Huh?” Normally, you could somewhat read his expressions and knew what to expect, but this time his look was so serious you had no idea what he had in mind and this unnerved you. “What?”

His eyes focused on something far away; he looked deep in thought. “[Name], do you believe in fate?”

That, wasn’t what you expected. You eyed him uneasily.. “I didn’t say you could ask me! Gosh, I sw—“

He muttered your name softly and you stilled. He was studying you and you shrunk under the intense look. He was close, close enough you could feel the faint puffs of breath against your lips… Finally, he smiled, gently tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Can’t you just play nice?”

That snapped your back into reality. You shook your head and smiled back, although less easier than he did. “No… Gotta give me points for honesty!”

“Right…” That smile was back and you didn’t know how to take it…

“Okay… Fine… Yes, I believe in fate. What up with the question?”

His smile turned into that sarcastic grin you knew so well; you relaxed. “Why should I play nice now? Fair turnabout and all.”

Things were normal now, he was back to his predictable self. “Um…because you’re nice?”

He laughed lightly. He said nothing for a while, but finally sighed, meeting your gaze head on. “I believe in fate, but I also believe in timing. What about you?”

There was something very important about this conversation, but you just couldn’t quite grasp the unspoken. ‘Sometimes, William, you are way too intelligent for me…’ “I suppose.”

He stood suddenly and you were grateful that the subject was dropped. He offered you’re his hand. “Dance with me?”

You stared at it for a moment, perhaps in shock or perhaps in hesitation, before taking it. He carefully kept his hands on your waist and you slid your hands up to his firm shoulders.

Fate wasn’t anything you had really thought on before, but with his question, you couldn’t help but wonder… Your eyes met his and the look there made you question a few things. Perhaps you were fated to be with him and perhaps not. For now, you were content in this dance, to be in his arms.

As if he knew your thoughts, he smiled again and pulled you closer.

Once day, maybe you will have it all figured out. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the soft smell of his aftershave. For now, you were happy as you were.

About K.N. Proctor

I am an author who is madly in love with my awesome Savior Jesus the Christ. I am also madly in love with my wonderful husband...and, secretly, chocolate. View all posts by K.N. Proctor

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